Washington D.C.
Mittwoch, 19. November 2008, 14:40
Über unseren Ausflug nach D.C. lasse ich am besten Ida berichten. Dem habe ich nämlich nichts hinzuzufügen.

We started our day with a tour around the White House on a Segue. Wooo- you can really zoom on these!

We saw President Elect Obama at a rally...

We went to the Smithsonian Museum to the American culture and history museum. I showed Walter one of my favorite American Icons- Kermit the Frog.

We played a little Hide and Seek at the Korean War Memorial.

We looked at the Vietnam Memorial- so many names.....

At night we took a lovely stroll down the Mall. We started at the Capitol.

We ended up at the Lincoln Memorial. We saw so many things- it was a really lovely day.

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