Eine Vorweihnachtsgeschichte
Donnerstag, 18. Dezember 2008, 08:39
Mein liebstes Schaf und ich haben wieder einen Ausflug gemacht. Aber seht selbst:

Walter and Ida went to Rothenburg ob der Tauber, a charming little town in Bavaria.

We took a walk on the old wall that surrounds the city. Then we got hungry.


We made sure to walk right past the Kathe Wolfhart Christmas store (Walter, being an easter bunny, is a bit sensitive about Christmas)

And we went to Teddyland. It was amazing! So many beautifu and friendly teddies!

We took an evening stroll. Don't tell Walter, but I think we are heading towards the Christmas market.

The Mistletoe booth!!!

Bin ich ein glücklicher Hase!?!

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